Automated and portable application for quick program and link access.
Quicklauncher Quicklauncher is a small and lightweight application which keeps user-maintained links to applications on different drives/contexts. The special thing is, that each d…Can be used to connect anything on a desktop-pc to anything else.
GAIA GAIA is a General Association Interface Application. It consists of a core which enables you to define rules for input and output to connect any application or device to eac…Introduction of the aPod Android app with description of features and used design/programming patterns.
Let me introduce to you: aPod - another Android music player At the first glance aPod is just another music player for Android. One out of seemingly hundreds of available music p…A young German school theater group
Media theater is a young German theater group of Käthe-Kollwitz-Gesamtschule, managed by former students without teachers. They focus on unrestricted, ab…Another Digimon FDD (a story with Fictional Digimon & Destined)
Media Basically, Digimon Academy is another Digimon FDD (a story with Fictional Digimon & Destined). It "started" in February 2012 with first ideas and conc…A music player with genre support for old Android versions, customizable Visualizations and SmartScan feature
Features Media aPod A music player with genre support for old Android versions, customizable Visualizations and SmartScan feature. Due to the fact that I like to sort my music in a…A little Pokerclock with sound and statusbar notification featuring fully customizable round timers and blind settings
PokerClock This is an app I created for the periodic poker matches we sometimes play with some friends. It allows to set up rounds with timer and blinds and notifies on a round c…A fast paced space shooter with mod support inspired by X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter
SpaceFight The game is a fast paced space shooter focused on direct fighting in small space vessels. The game features quick-missions like deathmatch plus custom-missions with comp…