Quicklauncher is a small and lightweight application which keeps user-maintained links to applications on different drives/contexts. The special thing is, that each drive may feature an own xml-file containing the displayable links. This makes Quicklauncher great for use on an USB-Stick.
The advantage over regular OS-start-menu's is the fact that configurations are stored on the drives themselves. This means you can put Quicklauncher on an USB-Stick and it will give a platform to open on any computer and display your configuration. I developed it for this purpose in the first place. I had an USB-Stick with CD-Rom partition and autoplay support. I could store my portable applications and project-data on the stick and have them run on any computer the stick get's plugged in.
Additionally configurations can be created on any other drive of the computer. This allows to create configurations for different computers so the stick can read and display them.
Many aspects of the UI can be tweaked to change the appearance of Quicklauncher. This allows to set up own captions and icons for a decent look. Additionally the application is easily skinnable, which allows a full change of the design! I think for this type of application a skinnable UI is a very nice thing!